This Return Policy applies to all products on this website, unless specific return policy mentioned for some products on their respective pages.
Our slogan is "Every Customer is Happy Customer".
Normally a customer has to return the item for following two purposes.
We have explained our Return, Replacement and Refund Policy in short questions/ answers for easy understanding to our customers.
Q: I have opened the packaging and even used the product. Can I return it for refund?
A: No. Product must not be used. However, if you have used any machine ( for example food factory or dough machine) without putting food into it, we will return and refund. Box of the product must not be damaged or torn
Q: When I had opened the box, I found that product is damaged/broken. What to do?
A: No need to worry in such case. It is not your fault. It only happens in very rarely that item becomes damaged during shipping. You will never be at loss while shopping at Wondroz. Just call us (03325577733) to inform. We will guide you further process. We will dispatch another another unit of same product at your address with free shipping. Additionally, we will also pay you for return shipping. So, you will never be at loss.
It is not always mandatory to send back the broken item. It is possible at our discretion to ask you to just send photo of broken item and we send the replacement without asking you to send the broken item.
Q: Will I have to pay again the delivery charges for replaced item? Will I have to bear the return shipping charges?
A: No. Not at all. Delivery charges (Rs 75 only) for replaced item will be prepaid by us. We will even send the amount you had paid for sending back the broken item. You will pay nothing when you will receive the new item.
Q: What amount/ percentage will be deducted if I return you the product for refund?
A: Nothing. We deduct nothing and pay you, your complete amount. We will pay even the delivery charges. Even more we will pay the return shipping charges if you returned the item through our recommended courier.
Q: How & When you will refund my amount?
A: After we receive the product, we will send your full amount including delivery and return shipping charges through bank transfer or EasyPaisa, JazzCash. We will also pay the cash transfer fee. In short, You will have to lose nothing being our valued customer. Such return policy is nowhere in the world. But you will find that we are true to our words because we know that such cases will be very very rare as we have honestly displayed what we have.
First see Product Price and Detail below this form.
Click 'SUBMIT' button after filling this Order Form. Product name and detail is automatically pulled and received by us.
Wondroz happily accepts, any change of mind, return of any product for replacement or complete and immediate refund, within one month of purchase. We will be thankful, if 'product for return' is not used. Customer is always right at Wondroz. No long stories of policies.