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Watch 2 videos of Turbo Whistle by following Below Links on our Facebook page: You should also watch videos sent by our customers in Reviews section on our Facebook page. We also expect that you will also upload your own great videos on our Facebook page.
1) 2)
Watch this video on Below Link (This test video is our own, CopyCats are requested not to copy our videos)
1- Below video on Honda Reborn shared by our respected customer who bought HUD and Turbo Whistle.
2- Below Video shared by our respected customer. On Corolla X
YouTube Videos
1) Toyota Corolla with Turbo Whistle
2) Test on Small Car
See Three More Products Below
High quality Turbo Whistler is made of Aluminium Alloy. It will never melt and will always maintain its original sound. Whereas low quality turbo whistle is made with cheap metal alloy that will melt due to hot gases from exhaust pipe and lose its sound due to melting and widening of whistle hole.
It has been built on the scientific principle of simple whistle. When air (hot gases) passes through Turbo Whistler, it produces sound. That's why it has no pressure on engine.
If you are not satisfied, you need not to be worried. We will tell you No ifs and buts. Just return it and we will be happy to return it without asking any question. You must save its packing. Pack Turbo Whistle, its small spanner and black little nut in its packing and send it on the our address written on the back of envelope you receive. We will refund your full amount EasyPaisa or JazzCash on the same day when we receive it. However, we are assure that you will love it. Our 99% customers are happy with the result and enjoyed its sound. A customer in Quetta has ordered 3rd and another customer in Karachi has ordered 2nd time for their other cars, as they are happy and satisfied with the original Turbo Sound Whistle.
Don't Worry at all. Just return it and take your money back. We are always at your best service and happy to refund your money.
Do Not Forget To Write the Model of Your Car in Order Form, So That We Can Send You Turbo Whistle of Appropriate Size.
Tight all screws and nuts of whistle before use to avoid fall off during driving.
Turbo Whistle Works Best On 3x RPM Or More. Do not buy if your car is hybrid such as Toyota Prius or Honda Vezel.
Actually this Turbo Whistle was introduced by Wondroz in Pakistan few years ago and we have long experience about its working as we take feedback from our customers and learn from their experience
Difference between three sizes of Turbo Whistle - Small, Medium and Large. The small size fits only in original silencer of Suzuki Mehran, Alto, Mira and other small cars - Medium size works on most sedan cars including cultus. Medium size does not fit on most cars
Make your Car Sound like a Turbo Charger - Sports Car - Fits on all Cars including Cultus, Honda City, Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, Vigo, Land Cruiser Prado - We have medium and large size turbo whistle in stock
Price of Car Turbo Whistle is Rs 1400. See product images, and more details below this form.
NOTE: For most cars Turbo Whistle sounds perfect but on some cars, it does not produce good sound. If it does not work on your car, simply return it and we will refund your full amount. No need to worry at all.